All Around - Universal Wordpress Shop Template (Retail)
All Around is a responsive, rounded and universal Wordpress shop template. Perfect for shop related websites, All Around is packed with fully functional WooCommerce solution designed just enough to fit in the overall Wordpress shop layout. The template uses flat design and clean cut elements in order to make the items on the web page stand out. All Around – Universal Wordpress Shop Template comes with 2 premium plugins, Revolution Slider & All Around Content slider / carousel that fit perfectly on almost every page. Also, included in the template, there is an intuitive page / content builder that will help you a great deal when you assemble custom pages, it has the ability to save the template of the page so that you can easily transfer entire shortcode options from one page to another.
Included in the All Around – Universal Wordpress Shop Template Package:
All Around – Universal Wordpress Shop Template Features:
- WooCommerce perfectly integrated into the template
- Custom content builder for easy-of-use
- 2 shop display variations (standard shop and fancy shop)
- Zoom In feature integrated into the shop item page
- 3 different sliders included (Revolution slider, iCarousel, 3D slider)
- 3 variations of blog post with multiple column options
- Tons of backend options
- 650+ Google fonts
- Responsive design (especially on the shop pages and item pages)
- 100+ social icons available
- Intuitive content assembling with build in graphic user interface
- Ability to save shortcode specifications and implement them on other pages
- 2 premium plugins included
- Excellent documentation
- Cross-browser support
All Around Wordpress Content Slider / Carousel Features:
- You can set the number of visible circles
- Select the first item
- Set slider height or let the slider manage this
- Choose the alignment of the slider (Vertical or Horizontal)
- Choose the action when you click on the item
- Slider with keyboard arrow keys
- Choose whether to display shadows or not
- Choose whether to display borders or not
- Set border thickness on small circles and on main circle
- Set border radius
- Set border color
- Choose whether to keep border radius proportions or not
- Choose the system of sliding (enlarge middle circle or not)
- Choose the movement speed of the images
- Set max slider height in small resolutions
- Set width and height of the small circle
- Set width and height of the space around small circles
- Set width and height of the big circle
- Set the moving speed of the animation
- Set the moving speed offset
- Select the easing for the moving animation
- Choose whether or not to use thin arrows
- Set the background color of the arrows
- Set the speed of the arrow animation
- Choose the easing for the arrow animation
- Set the speed of the arrow hover animation
- Choose the easing for the arrow hover animation
- Set the speed of the zoom icon animation
- Choose the easing for the zoom icon animation
- Set the width of the zoom icon
- Change the position of the zoom icon
- Set the zoom icon movement
- Enable/disable auto-play option
- Choose auto-play direction
- Set the auto-play interval
- Choose whether to display all images or not
- Enable/disable mouse-wheel scrolling
- Choose border rendering type
Supported browsers
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